共為你找到:200筆us college ranking 相關企業資訊
JR Electrical Company Ltd. has established since 1987, and devoted to manufacturing AUDIO VIDEO connectors at first. From 1991, we extended the development with original A/V connectors, and added to provide professional DJ lightings of gooseneck lamp. In recent years, we dedicated to developing LED for gooseneck lamp, and these LED products are now adopted by many famous companies in Europe, America, Japan, and so on. From now on, JR will try our best to keep developing some new products with the passion like we dealt with the DJ lighting. Moreover, we would like to bring exciting business opportunities with all of you, and hope to grow further flourishing business relationship between you and us. Also, JR expects all of you to win lots of business. In addition, JR will remain working hard in the future on all the products, such as electronic parts and LED gooseneck lamps. That’s what JR insists.
Life Easy Tea~清茶一盞不只是飲料店,也可以在這其中得到不一樣的經歷!! Join Us!!歡迎加入我們!!
游雅清,倫敦藝術大學坎柏威爾藝術學院(Camberwell College of Arts)視覺藝術碩士。設計範圍含括商業空間、住宅、舊建築改建與裝置藝術等。曾於竹間聯合建築師事務所擔任設計師,期間參與黃金博物園區坑道展示工程、國家文藝獎會場設計、國際門戶競圖—安平港休憩碼頭規劃等。
Yuan Wen Sing Industries Corp. was estableished in 1975 as a manufacturer of bicycle accessories, including bells, locks, kickstands, handle bar lugs, indicator chain for Torpedo F&S speed hub or sturmey-Archer speed hub, various pressed products and motorcycle locks. To safeguard quality, bells have to undertake more then 30,000 rings, locks must pass more then 5,000 times of locking and unlocking test. We insist on R&D as well as automatic production to guarantee high-end products to feed back our major customers in all of countries. In order to provide best quality products to our customers, we have adopted precise & advanced facilities and renovate them timely. The equipment we currently use are as the table at right. We guarantee best quality at competitive price. Please feel free to contact us. Your answer is just a phone call or an e-mail away.
創立於1990年,Nature’s Care總部位於澳洲雪梨近郊,是一家擁有Nature’s Care、Meimei、Fairy等知名品牌,並自行生產天然有機保健食品、嬰兒護膚品、女性保養品等的生化高科技製造廠,除了是澳洲首家獲得cGMP廠房生產管理認證的公司外,並擁有符合澳洲藥物管理局(TGA)頒發的許可證。 利用澳洲得天獨厚的天然有機資源,Nature’s Care 禮聘生化專家、營養師、皮膚科醫生等各領域的專才人員,配合堅強的研發團隊,精心研製出獨特的配方,在無菌、真空的環境中生產製造,確保品質領先群倫。 此外,為傳遞正確的健康及美容知識,1999年底另成立了健康美容學院(Nature’s Care Australia Health Science College),提供芳療師、美容師的文憑認證,並於2003年成立Day Spa 美療概念店;更於2007年勇奪新南威爾斯州商業獎項中的年度最佳出口企業獎及年度傑出企業獎兩大獎,銷售網絡遍及十餘個國家。 從保健食品、嬰兒護膚品、女性保養品,到多樣性的大眾消費品,Nature’s Care堅持百分百澳洲原裝製造,以提供人們更健康美麗的生活方式。並期許自己如同Nature’s Care的命名,克盡社會企業的職責,為地球生態多盡一份環保力量,留給下一代多一點美好乾淨的環境。
>>> 關於玉金成 <<< 本公司為裝潢.家具.廚具五金製造商.立業已20年之久.在各式五金配件揚名業界.本公司本著誠信原則及永續經營的理念.不斷的創新.不斷的改技術之改良.將最優質的產品分享給客戶。 >>> About Us <<< Yu Chin Cheng Enterprise Co.,Ltd. was established in 1992 and mainly produces hardware handles, knobs and accessories, for example Zinc alloy, Brass, Iron, Alluminum alloy, Acrylic, etc. OEM/ODM requests are highly welcome! We always share the best products with every single customer and keep on researching on advanced technics. It is our most important faith to provide customers with the best service & good quality. Looking forward to building up good business relationship with our esteemed customers.
HISTORY VISION: Galaxy Harvest is mainly acting as a major supplier of Promotion, Decoration, Technicality, Wiring Harnesses, Hardware, Household, Display Fixture, Inj-molding process and projects worldwide. Our knowledge and expertise in this field have made us competent in perceiving our customers’ needs. Exquisite and fine workmanship are the key factors which make our products different from the others, giving our buyers more competitive edge. To be part of this industry field, we are not afraid of the questions. we respect and promote the diversity of people and companies with our Quality Assurance System to keep serving our customers. Galaxy Harvest, China was set up in Ningbo in 2006, and factories are built in the same province in 2009 and 2010. Partner Company of RCT, USA is the leading researcher in HVACR and plumbing industries. The product ranked #1 in the USA for many years. Our company’s motto is “R.C.T.” – Responsibility, Co-operation and Trust. Treating our people to be family with the principle that “People-Oriented, Respect the Facts.” Advocate the teamwork spirit of co-operation and communication. Company goal is making each staff reached success and strive for the most value for our customers. 琦華電國際(GALAXY HARVEST PTY LTD)1972年成立於臺灣,30年來,一直致力於向歐美市場提供高品質的產品和服務,努力提供更新更好的產品來使我們的生活更美好。公司的合作夥伴RCT公司是美國HVAC領域中的領導者,其品牌連續多年在美國HVAC領域中排名第一。 本公司的RCT精神 “責任,合作,信任”,注重“以人為本,尊重事實”,始終提倡“合作與交流”的團隊合作精神,真心關心每一個員工,努力為客戶創造最大的價值
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本公司秉持著產品多元化、產業多角化、經營永續化、企業國際化、組織集團化等基本精神為發展策略,專門負責協助政府機關及民間中小企業團體做教育訓練、整合行銷企劃、品牌通路的建立及企業諮詢、診斷,進而輔導成為上市櫃公司,並藉由分階教育、STP、卡內基、潛能訓練開發...等課程來協助各企業機關團體培養出全方位的經理人才。 本公司工作團隊堅強、同事間相處融洽、員工福利優、升遷制度完善,歡迎您加入我們的團隊。
本公司為合法登記公開經營的事業 公司全名:登旺實業社 (36910860) 網路賣場:Danflow專賣店 〔露天.奇摩拍賣〕 實體店面:登旺濾水器專賣店 聯絡電話:07-3419419 0929232852 0982925377 營業地址:813高雄市左營區重清路326號1樓〔自由三路富山檀香路口〕 粉絲專頁:www.facebook.com/danflowenterprise 電子信箱:[email protected] 採購時,敬請認明合法事業,賣家可靠,買家安心! For Overseas Customers, Our Company's informtion is as follows: - The Expert of Pure Water System - Danflow Enterprise Dabflow Web Store No.326, ChongQing Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City, 81363, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: +886-7-341-9419 Mobile: +886-0982-925377 eMail: [email protected] Welcome to contact us by your appreciated. @danflow 專賣店@  邀請新朋友老主顧,新手爸媽,各行業創業老闆及所有關心飲用水 / 生活用水品質, 想要了解更多市場上最新淨水技術設備的朋友同好一起加入粉絲,本公司具備同業所不 及的飲用水濾製實體關鍵技術,提供各地水質問題及先進國家相關報導,網路賣場商品 資訊,實體店面的專業服務,設備安裝實例,新機種優先發表,個案討論,問題答覆, 會員活動,粉絲團優惠辦法,公益服務,等等有關活動..歡迎您! 公司理念: 在於減少過高的廣告開銷,將省下的預算反應在商品價格,開發重心放在商品節能與 穩定性的題目上,實際加惠消費買家,致力協助頭家們成功創業,並努力成為市場知 名的 Danflow 國產平價濾水設備品牌第一。 經營項目: 銷售 批發 安裝 維修 配管 估價 施工 淨水器 軟水器 純水機 生飲機 電解機 逆滲透 飲水機 開飲機 殺菌燈 儲水塔 加水站 熱 泵 除垢器 檢測筆 營業用 節能型 家庭用 工業級 國際認証 技術領先 專業可靠 正派經營 價格透明 誠信交易 售後服務 @danflow 專賣店@ 祝您事業登旺!
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